Defogging windows since 2007, BBB accredited, Eco-green process has saved thousands of windows from the landfill.

All About Windows – Window Defoggers

The Solution


We can save Dual pane, Triple pane, Low E coated and Heat Mirror windows but time is of the essence!  

After The All About Windows Defogging Treatment 

An All About Windows Defogging certified technician has re-engineered your window(s). The visible moisture was only part of the problem. Our system will now allow the desiccant under the spacer to release the moisture held within. It is common for windows to re-fog while the desiccant releases residual moisture. N.B. This may show as frost in the winter. This is a natural part of the drying process. The vents expel any residual moisture in the form of vapour. 


Limited Lifetime Warranty